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Sunday 2 May 2010


Photos taken in "El Santo Cristo del Zapato" celebration- Pinos del Valle (Granada)

La Fiesta de las Cruces (Crosses Celebration), also called Cruz de Mayo in Spain is celebrated on 3rd of May. This is a Christian tradition in which all kind of crosses are installed in the streets of many towns and little villages, the crosses mainly are made of flowers surrounded by many decorative objects which are placed with more or less success, especially floral elements, pots and plants, but in fact anything can help (even scarves, quilts, paintings, candlesticks....). Its origin is popular, as the neighbours of a street or square are who provide the materials. Then in the parties people dance around, sing allusive songs and play games.

Also it has become imperative in the habit of installing a bar and take the opportunity to do some business, usually to cover the cost of Easter brotherhoods, clubs or groups of students.

The County Hall of most places where it is celebrated every year arranges Crosses Contest and visit the award-winning cross.

Related to the religious origin, they seem to be caused by the discovery by St. Helena of the cross where Christ died (on a May 3rd), but the fact is that the popular support of the party seems to come from certain celebrations of the Romans.

It is held in many locations in Spain and Latin America as well. In Spain some of the towns where this fiesta is highly celebrated and receive a huge number of visitors are:

- Córdoba is the capital of the crosses for excellence (that they celebrate along with the beautiful festivity of the courtyards embellishments).
- Motril (Granada) is considered the second city of the crosses. It is the closest city that is next to Cordoba in the race to get the top position of City of Las Cruces. Its celebrations are of National Tourism interests.
- Granada is the third in this ranking. Since I have had the opportunity to enjoy this celebration there during the last three years and here I am enclosing some of the photos I took.

a cross at the feet of  La Alhambra

in El Albaicin (Granada)

close to official buildings

or close to your own house.........

made with any little toy by children

or made with bread by a big supermarket chain........ anything is of good use!


  1. Funcionario's blog3 May 2010 at 22:03

    Hola, guapa.

    En primer lugar, muchas gracias por pasarte por el blog. Me ha gustado eso de "recomendarlo a las amigas". Una de las máximas del blog es "Funcionarios del mundo, ¡unios!" jejejejeje

    Me ha molado bastante tu blog. Sol, playa, tortilla de patatas, religión, flamenco, toros... Si es a lo que tenemos que volver (además de a la peseta) para empezar a captar turistas extranjeros y que el país vaya adelante.

    Un saludo, guapa. Y expláyate todo lo que quieras, faltaría más.

    PD. Y encima escribiendo en inglés. Jo, qué nivel!!!

  2. Hi! Learning something new every day here. My favorite is the last one. It just looks so pretty and is made out of food :)
    Do you guys celebrate Cinco de Mayo or is it just a Mexican tradition?
    Hugs from Ohio,

  3. Muchas gracias compañero del gremio por tu surtido variado y estupendo de comentarios que me has regalado ¡siempre que quieras darte una vuelta por aqui serás muy bienvenido! Te mando un fuerte abrazo,

  4. Hi Ivanhoe! I am very glad that people who read my blog can learn little new things every time, it is a pleasure for me. Ah! We Spanish do not celebrate Cinco de Mayo, I think that is only a Mexican Fiesta conmemorating the war won to the French. Hugs!


Welcome and thank you very much for taking the time to leave the gift of your comment. Have a nice day!

Bienvenido y muchas gracias por dejarme el regalo de tu comentario. ¡Que tengas un gran dia!

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